Double ear infections, high fevers, runny nose, cough, breathing treatments and the flu (vomiting and diarrhea). Poor baby has had it all...including her first trip to the emergency room. Addison got really dehydrated from the flu symptoms (very scary and happens so fast!!!) and we had to take her in. Luckily they did not have to put in an IV-thanks to our wonderful ER nurse. He suggested putting a grape popsicle in her Pedialyte and she has been drinking it every since. Something about the sugar and the cold going down makes a good combo.

She likes orange too...

Despite the sickness, Addison is trying to crawl....

Starts with the toy...

Leaning forward....

On all fours...


And down on the belly...

Oh well....maybe next time.
Thank you Mom for coming in late at night to help us with our very sick baby! We were so glad you were here.
Thank you Sandy for taking care of her the day the diarrhea started and for cleaning all her clothes for me. You are so sweet and we love you!