Wednesday, December 26, 2007


Addison really loved her toys this year. This is Buttercup...

This is a blanket that Nanna made....

She loved her Cabbage Patch doll and playing with the Nativity set.

Julia, me, my mom, and Jodie in our new PJs.

And lastly, a video with the wrapping paper.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Addison's First Christmas Program

Well, it started on a sad note...

Can you see the crocodile tears?

At least it ended on a happy note!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

It is all a blurrrr....

I know it has been a while since we have seen anyone so I thought I might fill people in. The week of Thanksgiving my friend had her first adorable baby girl. I went that weekend to see her and stayed for the weekend at my parents house with Addison. The next weekend Auggie and I took Addison to my parents' house so we could go on vacation to Orlando. Last weekend we went to pick her up. Next weekend we will go back to Missouri for the holidays so it may be a while before I get to see you all. It has been crazy and fun to see all our old friends in MO-especially since many of them had not seen Addison yet. However, I have so much laundry and things to catch up on, I am not sure when I will ever get it all done. Auggie has been such a sweetheart and has been running Chirstmas errands and doing laundry too. Our 4 year anniversary is today so Thanks and I love you, babe!

Finally to the are some of our sweet daughter with Santa.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Wearing Daddy's hat

Thursday, November 22, 2007


Over Thanksgiving my sister and I were playing with Addison and put her sunglasses on her. She looks so funny with her tiny nose.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Addison's first halloween and she did great! She was the cutest monkey there.

Her friend, Aubrey, the skunk.....

Her only smile on camera in costume...Thanks, Dannielle!

Being a monkey must be really exhausting!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Leopard Print

This is a new outfit and Miss Addison was hammin' it up so I tried to catch a couple of shots.

Monday, October 22, 2007

4-month Pictures

Mandi did a fantastic job! I just love them all!!! Thanks again Mandi!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Shots of the puppies


I woke up the other morning and turned on the light to find this creature in my room. The picture is fuzzy due to my being a little nervous.

I know there is not anything to show the scale, but it's body was as big around as my finger. It took a long time to catch because it could see the flashlight when I tried to find it. It jumped around and tried to attack with its nasty legs up in the air at me.

Terminix will be here in the morning!!!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

And to think I was worried that Phoebe would resent a new baby in the house. She is one of Addison's biggest fans. I think it is so cute when she cuddles with her. Rosco likes her too but he is a little more cautious and keeps more distance.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Watching VeggieTales and loving it...

Apparently so does Rosco...

Playing in the exersaucer...

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Tagged and didn't know it!

I have been so busy lately that I got behind in looking at everyone's blogs. I did not even know I had been tagged so sorry it is so late.

1. I LOVE M*A*S*H! I own every season on DVD. It took several birthdays and a couple of Christmas' but I finally got them all.

2. I eat goldfish and applesauce together. Not at the same time but a bite of goldfish...swallow...a bite of applesauce....swallow, repeat! It is a good salty/ sweet combo. I discovered that I liked it after many roadtrips growing up. They were good snacks for kids.

3. I HATE to read!!!!!!! If I could go through the rest of my life with out picking up a book, I would. In fact, the only reading I have done recently is the Bible.

4. I cannot stand the smell of hamburger while it is cooking. Usually when I make something with it, I get so grossed out that I lose my appetite all together.

5. My first job was at Lambert's Cafe. Yep, I wore the bowtie and suspenders for almost 3 years.

6. My artwork has been exhibited in an art museum. When I was in the 1st grade, I had the best Pig in a Blanket drawing. I remember I got to outline it with a permanent marker and it was hung in the local art museum for about a week.

7. I love architecture. I actually have a full set of house plans that I designed. I went to college to become an architect but decided that it would not be worth the sacrifice to miss out on having a family. I would love to restore old homes as a hobby. There is a town in Colorado called Silverton. Most of the homes are from different periods and they have all been restored. It is amazing.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Hanging out in Mom and Dad's Room

Such a big girl....